Oh Snap! Whoopi Goldberg Ejects Jeanine Pirro From 'The View'

Good for Whoopi! Jeanine Pirro pointed at her and pushed a "Trump Derangement Syndrome" line? Get out of here.

In the second instance today of a know-nothing being on a mainstream show (I'm looking at you, Today Show with Sean Spicer) just because there's an "audience" for their stupid book (and who are these book agents paying off to get their authors booked anyway, allegedly) Jeanine Pirro took her schtick and her book pimping to "The View." She also took her fake outrage act.

Ana Navarro had a good one, noting to Jeanine that her book "Liars, Leakers and Liberals" must be about the White House. Well, maybe the first two words.

And then the fight with Whoopi began. Whoopi insisted that what she really wants is to fix the divisiveness (racism) that's coming from the Trump White House.

Jeanine kept pushing her lines about immigration and at one point, pointed at Whoopi, and discussed "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

Oh no she did not. Really? Really.

“Did you just point at me?” Goldberg asked.

“Yes,” Pirro responded.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Listen, I don’t have Trump derangement. Let me tell you what I have.
I have a lot of — I’m tired of people starting a conversation with Mexicans are liars and rapists. After 62 years alive, I've seen a lot of people come and go from the White House, some of whom I liked and others she do not. [But] I have never, ever seen anything like this. I have never seen anybody whip up such hate. I have never seen anybody be so dismissive. And I — and clearly you don’t watch the show. So, you don’t know that I don’t suffer from that. What I suffer from is the inability to figure out how to fix this. That’s my issue.

Jeanine wanted to get in a dig at that "illegals killing Americans" hysteria, and Whoopi was done.

PIRRO: You know what’s horrible? When people who shouldn’t be here end up murdering the children of American citizens!

GOLDBERG: What is horrible is when the President of the United States whips up people to beat the hell out of people. Say good-bye. I’m done.

Cut to commercial, and Pirro was gone. But she'd pimped her book and "owned a lib," so hers was mission accomplished.

Really, mainstream outlets like "The View" and "The Today Show" don't need to have people like Jeanne Pirro or Sean Spicer on. If your booker insists on it because of some trade deal they have with the publisher, FIRE YOUR BOOKER.

Or cancel your show. You CAN do better.

UPDATE 1: Even the studio audience at 'The View' laughed when Pirro said "I know a con when I see one."

UPDATE 2: Off camera, this happened

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