Our Intelligence Is So Good, We Even Have The Hackers Celebrating Trump's Win
We even have evidence about the Russian hackers celebrating Trump's win.
On CNN's Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer and guests talked about whether Roger Stone or Wikileaks will be named in future Mueller indictments.
"I could see other prominent folks that have been discussed in the past named in the future, sure," said Anthony Ferrante, cybersecurity expert.
Blitzer asked reporter Shimon Prokupecz what he thought.
"I think there's a lot more to say. In terms of where this goes, we know Roger Stone is one of the people Mueller has been asking questions about," Prokupecz said.
The U.S. intelligence is so good, he said, "that we have been able to gather reporting that they, the Russians named in this indictment, celebrating this and Trump's victory and celebrating the success of their hacking operation, essentially. That is how good the U.S. intelligence got in this case, in this investigation. That's remarkable.
"When you read this, you can see they are all over some of their, perhaps their e-mail, phones, other information, human sources. This also, Wolf, we shouldn't forget this, approaching the election, this could be a way for our government, the FBI, the Department of Justice to say, Russia, if you try to do this again, if you are planning anything come November, we are all over you and know what you are doing."