Samantha Bee Rips Dana Loesch And The NRA

"I dare you to make a comment. I challenge you to tell me how it’s American for the NRA to take money from foreign agents who want to see our democracy burn," said Bee.

The NRA and their spokeswhore Dana Loesch have been noticeably reluctant to comment on its ties to Russian operatives intent on undermining American democracy. Samantha Bee calls them out on that, using their same over-the-top dramatic video style.

Source: Yahoo News

On Full Frontal with Samantha Bee, Bee spoofed a video of NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch, complete with serious tone and ominous background music, in an attempt to get the NRA to finally comment on the group’s newfound links to Russia, including with Maria Butina, an alleged Russian agent who was closely affiliated with the gun rights group, and Alexander Torshin, a former Russian politician. Torshin is currently the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia and is being investigated for funneling money to the NRA to push a pro-Russia agenda.

Bee began by going after the divisive language used in the video, saying, “NRA, you go on your little screen with your scary shark eyes to tell people to make out with their guns or whatever. You make a narrative out of false context and fear-monger your followers into thinking they’re in a civil war.”

Bee then went after the fact that the NRA has been unusually quiet since its close ties to Russian operatives became known. “Then you’re caught associating yourself with one Russian agent and you just disappear?” Bee asked. “What gives? I dare you to make a comment. I challenge you to tell me how it’s American for the NRA to take money from foreign agents who want to see our democracy burn.”

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