Trump Does Same Old Standup Routine For Faithful, Taunts 'Pocahontas'

Whenever he's feeling especially weak, he attacks another woman.

Mr. Hankey the Cheeto Pooh gave another of his comedic monologues last night in Montana before his adoring fans. We know he must be nervous, because he always singles out women to attack when he needs to make himself feel powerful, and last night it was Elizabeth Warren's turn. Just watch.

Notice how he gets in the little dig at the #MeToo movement? And let's face it, he doesn't have a million dollars to spare, especially now that his foundation can't write checks for his personal expenses anymore.

If Elizabeth Warren becomes the nominee, I'm sure she'll be prepared with a kit of her own, since Trump has lied so many times about his own background.

Willie Geist pointed out the #MeToo comment as well.

"What struck a lot of us and a lot of other people was his flippant reference to the Me Too movement, which had no relationship to what he was talking about, but he found a way to get it in. This man has been accused in the era of Me Too time and time again."

"Me Too had nothing to do with anything he was talking about," Eugene Robinson said. "It's an interesting tell, right? Because Donald Trump sort of slips in references to what's worrying him or what he's thinking about and doesn't want to talk about, but talks about it anyhow.

"Somehow I guess that's on his mind these days. Maybe another porn star will come out or something like that and he knows about it and doesn't want to talk about it. You watch a performance like last night and you almost think, gee, is this some sort of weird Andy Kaufman kind of performance art thing that he's doing? Is this really, really happening? Is this the president of the United States?

"The answer is yes, it's the president of the United States, and as you mentioned he's now gotten us into a ridiculous and probably ultimately disastrous trade war with China. There's no reason for this. He's going about it even if he wants to get tough on China, going about it in precisely the wrong way. He's going to cost thousands and thousands of U.S. jobs. He's going to raise prices for U.S. consumers. It's just ridiculous and it's wrong, and it's just to feed his ego."

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