Trump Still Suffering From Electile Dysfunction

Trump spews more alternative facts about his election while visiting Wisconsin.

Trump came to Wisconsin last week to hold a fundraiser for the Republicans and pose for holy pictures with Scott Walker and Paul Ryan at the groundbreaking for Foxconn, one of the largest acts of corporate welfare in this country's history.

After posing with their gold-plated shovels, the politicians scurried in to an air-conditioned building where they performed a circle jerk, praising each other for again ripping off the taxpayers.

In the midst of it, Trump, succumbed to his fierce insecurity and started spewing alternative facts regarding his election. Nearly two years later, and he can't get over himself and asterisk that follows his name regarding the election. It wasn't until well after the fact that the media got around to doing the easy fact checking to see what a huge liar Trump really is.

From Politifact Wisconsin, which gave him a pants on fire rating:

In the midst of it all, Trump took a moment to hail his own 2016 victory in Wisconsin, a win that was vital to securing the presidency.

Wisconsin, Trump said on June 28, 2018, "hadn’t been won by a Republican since Dwight D. Eisenhower, in 1952."

He went on:

"And I won Wisconsin. And I like Wisconsin a lot, but we won Wisconsin. And Ronald Reagan, remember, Wisconsin was the state that Ronald Reagan did not win."

(He made a nearly identical claim the night before, at a rally in Fargo, N.D.)

Say what, Mr. President?

A look at the numbers

According to the American Presidency Project, the following Republicans have won Wisconsin’s presidential vote since 1952:

1956: Dwight D. Eisenhower

1960: Richard M. Nixon

1968: Richard M. Nixon

1972: Richard M. Nixon

1980: Ronald Reagan

1984: Ronald Reagan

2016: Donald Trump

The Republican presidential dry spell stretched from the 1988 election, when Democrat Michael Dukakis won Wisconsin, through 2012 when Democrat Barack Obama won Wisconsin.

But it did not stretch back to Eisenhower.

And, for the record, the one state Reagan lost in 1984 was neighboring Minnesota, not Wisconsin.

Interestingly, neither Walker or Ryan said a word about it. Maybe they just didn't know the truth themselves.

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