Weird News: Republicans Are NOT Running On Their Tax Cuts

Go figure, Republican candidates around the country are not bringing up that Tax Cut For Billionaires they passed as an "accomplishment" on the campaign trail.

Editor's Note (Frances Langum): Note that Crazy Conservative Brian Kemp of Georgia runs on guns, trucks, deregulation, spending, but not tax cuts for billionaires. Tengrain has the story behind that avoidance:

In case you noticed the curious absence of campaigning on the Miracle of Comrade Trump’s Economy, the rank (and I do mean rank) and file Republican candidates already know that there was no benefit to the average American.

This Bloomberg article is a must-read (just look at the charts if nothing else):

Trump’s Tax Cut Hasn’t Done Anything for Workers
Wages were supposed to rise. Instead, they’ve fallen.

A similar story is in Tiger Beat (on the Potomac AKA Politico:)

‘Eye-popping’ payouts for CEOs follow Trump’s tax cuts
The insider sales feed the narrative that corporate tax cuts enrich executives in the short term while yielding less clear long-term benefits for workers.

So the Billions for Billionaires Tax Cuts, the only signature accomplishment since The New Confederacy grabbed the levers of the entire federal apparatus, is a bust with the great unwashed, how is it playing out in Possum Hollar? This story in the NYTimes gives us a clue: They are not campaigning on it. At all.

“Party leaders in Washington talk frequently about the tax cuts and a ‘Trump boom’ that will doom the ‘blue wave’ this election year — or at least shrink it to a ripple. News on Friday that the economy grew at a robust 4.1 percent between April and June seemingly supplied more ammunition to a message centered on tax cut-fueled prosperity. But so far, that is not how it is playing out on the campaign trail.

“With little more than a week to go before voters here head to the polls, the airwaves are instead dominated by more general promises to create jobs and, from Republicans, by dark warnings on wedge issues such as immigration, meant to rally the conservative base. A Republican ‘super PAC’ is blitzing the Ohio airwaves, contending that electing Mr. O’Connor will mean ‘more crimes, more drugs.’”

They got nuttin’ to campaign on except wedge issues. I’m not saying that the Dim’s ham fisted Better Deal slogan will work (I still maintain the our Reality TeeVee Prznint will immediately start barking, “I got the BEST Deal! YUGE!”), but it’s clearly the case that unless you have a corner office, there was nothing in it for you.

Republicans get to work in the 2018 Pie Fight!

Crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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