You Thought 2nd Civil War Was Bad? Tucker Warns Of Democratic Coup!

While spending a grand total of zero seconds on the Scott Pruitt resignation, Tucker Carlson warns his viewers that Democrats are planning nothing short of a COUP, which of course, includes letting "illegals" vote.

Alex Jones, eat your ever fun-so-lovin Second Civil War heart out!

Tucker Carlson drinks your milkshake with the up-and-coming DEMOCRATIC COUP!

This is prime time news for Republicans, folks. It's a problem. Instead of covering the Scott Pruitt resignation or the Jim Jordan charges...

...and I mean instead of, because Tucker Carlson spent ZERO time on the Scott Pruitt resignation and the Jim Jordan charges, zero, nada, zilch...

Tucker Carlson found an "author" who says Democrats should fight dirty in politics. Well, duh.

And Tucker proceeded to predict that Democrats would split California into seven states in order to take back the Senate, create some kind of multiple representative House districts that would pack the House, pack the courts, and of course...


Tucker's audience apparently would rather have a heaping bowl of anti-Democratic hysteria than be told actual facts: that Trump lost an EPA chief to his own bad-even-for-a-Trump-guy corruption, and that Fox's Freedom Caucus darling is in some very deep shite over a sexual abuse coverup.

Points off, Tucker, for not including some anti-Nancy Pelosi screaming in your mix.

Updated to include the fact that Tucker ignored the Jim Jordan story as well as the Scott Pruitt story. He only had a prime-time hour, people.

I can't wait for the #DispatchesFromTheDemocraticCoup hashtag.

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