Admiral Mullen Sounds Alarms Over Trump's Nixonian Enemies List

Former Joint Chiefs Head, Adm. Mike Mullen conveyed concern and foreboding about trump's list of Intel employees in danger of having their clearances revoked.

On Fox News Sunday, of all places, we heard somber and intelligent analysis of trump's fascist descent. Chris Wallace hosted Former Joint Chiefs Chairman, Adm. Mike Mullen on his show, and asked him completely reasonable questions, giving Adm. Mullen ample time to answer and expound.

Wallace began by asking him what he thought the danger was in creating a list of senior Intelligence officials from whom the Orange Menace wanted to strip their security clearances. First, Adm. Mullen recalled Nixon, of course, and his "Enemies List." Going farther back in time, Adm. Mullen talked about McCarthyism and the reliance of lists - lists used to destroy the lives of people who McCarthy suspected of Communist sympathies. Adm. Mullen warned that when "the administration starts putting together lists of individuals that don't agree with them...that historically obviously has proven incredibly problematic for the country. So it's creating a list of political enemies, in particular those who have worked in a government and some very specifically who spent their life in government..." exactly what trump is doing...when we should be very concerned.

Asked about Bruce Ohr (the only current employee on the list) and the Mueller investigation, Adm. Mullen had very pointed advice for the Toddler-in-Chief. If he dares strip Mueller and his team of their clearances, he will face a firestorm. As for Ohr, if President Manbaby has concerns, he should follow the process (something he did NOT do with Peter Strzok, by the way...) before taking any action. The government has a process by which they review clearances when they have concerns about the person holding them. Let the Inspector General handle it.

The icing on the cake was a discussion of the now-cancelled military "parade" little trumpski wanted to hold in November. Wallace asked him what he thought of the parade, its being cancelled, and the value of them, if any. I'm not sure Adm. Mullen is a hugging kind of guy, but after this answer, if I was in the studio, man, I would have been chasing him down the hallway trying to give him the biggest bear/bro hug I could...

I had a great privilege of serving for over four decades with the greatest young men and women that the country has. One of the things that our country has done is honor them in so many ways, but I’m not one that thinks we need a military parade and in fact, whatever the costs are, there have been varied estimates, I think those costs and those funds can be put to better use. The military is the best military in the world. It's the best I’ve ever seen and support of them in terms of their pay and their benefits et cetera, and what they are doing is what's really critical. I don't think a parade does much for them in that regard.

(emphasis mine)

Yes. Like perhaps funding VA hospitals fully, building more of them, making sure all the troops on active duty have what they need to serve, and maybe even not deporting their spouses. Just a thought, trumpski.

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