Angela Rye Slams Trump Defender: No One Wants To Work For A Racist

More like this, please. Angela Rye takes down the talking points of Trump defender Gina Loudon one by one.

Trump is really about making the White House white again. And that's clear from the fact that there are zero black officials working in the West Wing.

Right wing puppet and member of the Trump 2020 team (yeah) Gina Louden's talking points included -- get this -- an excuse that the White House didn't have black employees when the slaves were freed.

Erin Burnett was aghast when Louden did a rough count of the White House staff and counted one out of three staffers being white women as adding to the diversity of the White House.

Louden also celebrated those false numbers on black employment and brought the end of Dodd-Frank (?) into the conversation as well. Whatever.

Angela Rye noted that Louden is unable to “successfully name one black person that works in the West Wing.”

ANGELA RYE: So regardless of your points about slavery, which are nonsense ― I hope you R.I.P. those talking points tonight, they should never be resurrected ― I’m telling you that it’s a problem in this White House, with this staff, and the reason why is because it’s slim pickings. You know why? Because no one wants to go work for a racist.

Gina Louden's parting shot was a sigh that she wishes things weren't so divisive in America. Angela Rye told her the correct answer to that nonsense: as soon as Trump's out of the White House we can talk about unifying all of America, which is going to anger the bigots who still cling to Trump. Things got really ugly when Louden brought her non-white adopted child into the conversation as confirmation of her totally-not-racist political party and president. Louden really has no low to which she won't go.

Here's the full video:

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