BOMBSHELL: Omarosa Says Trump Knew About Hacked Emails Before Wikileaks

Before Wikileaks? Guess she'll be talking to Mueller!


TUR: And you were instructed, according to the book, to bring up the e-mails at every point you could at the end of the 2016 campaign. Hillary Clinton's e-mails.

OMAROSA: Yes, that is our talker.

TUR: Did Donald Trump know about the e-mails before they came out?

OMAROSA: Absolutely.

TUR: He knew about them?

OMAROSA: Absolutely.

TUR: He knew about what was coming out before Wikileaks released them.


TUR: You are saying that he had a back channel?

OMAROSA: You said that and I didn't. I will expose the corruption in the White House and I will continue to blow the whistle about all of it.

TUR: But if he knew about the e-mails, what did he know?

OMAROSA: You are going to be having a press briefing at 2:30, and you can have your correspondent ask Sarah Huckabee Sanders the questions.

TUR: What would you ask him?

OMAROSA: He could have spent all day tweeting me and condemned in a stronger term that he is not a racist but he squandered the opportunity, so there are a number of things that the president should come clean about.

TUR: Were you ever asked about Roger Stone?

OMAROSA: No, I was not.

TUR: Did you have communication with roger stone?


TUR: could Roger Stone have been somebody who told him about e-mails?

OMAROSA: I think that Roger Stone is being investigated right now and rightfully so. He is a dark, and shady force in Trump world for a long time. They have their sights set properly on him.

TUR: And how worried are the White House staffers about this Mueller investigation.

OMAROSA: They should be very worried.

TUR: Are they worried?

OMAROSA: Absolutely.

TUR: Why should they?

OMAROSA: Because they have been hiding things from the american people and being dishonest.

TUR: The staffers have been hiding things?


TUR: Like what?

OMAROSA: you know I can't go into it, Katy, but i am happy to talk about the book which is why you brought me here.

TUR: but you are being a little bit of the whistleblower about this --

OMAROSA: I am not being evasive, but there is 368 wonderful pages that i talked about my interesting journey for 15 years with the journey of Donald Trump, and you can ask me about that, "Unhinged" but you are not asking me about the book.

TUR: You say that you want to expose Donald Trump and the corruption that he has perpetrated.

OMAROSA: Yes. and you know that there is a process for that.

TUR: And wouldn't that dovetail...

OMAROSA: And it is not sitting here with you.

TUR: It is not?

OMAROSA: no, there is a process for that, and a legal process and that is not going to be happening here for the next three years that we have left. feel free to ask me anything about "unhinged."

TUR: You talk about conversations with Jared and Ivanka in the book. Are they concerned about that Mueller investigation?

OMAROSA: I am not sure if they are.

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