Black Conservative Comes Unglued When Michael Eric Dyson Won't Bow And Scrape To Her

Candace Owens' appearance on The Beat shows why she should never, ever, ever be booked on a real news show again.

Candace Owens, MAGA hat-wearing, Trump loving, ultra-conservative lunatic gave one of the most insane interviews on a cable news channel in years. In fact, I do not remember seeing anyone come across as so disrespectful, unintelligent and possibly even mentally ill as she did.

Not only did she talk over the host, Ari Melber, but she talked over the other guest, distinguished Georgetown Professor Michael Dyson. It was painful to watch and at many points I screamed at my TV (and tweeted" "PLEASE GOD, CUT HER MIC OFF, ARI!"

If you can bear it, watch the 5 minute clip above.

Here she is whining about being heckled at a restaurant, where she compares it to being persecuted in the Civil Rights era:

No one identified themselves as Antifa in that confrontation, by the way, but it was a convenient characterization for Owens.

The perfect response tweet:

Some tweets after her train wreck of an appearance:

Looks like Candace wants to unseat Tomi Lahren as the most loony young, conservative, female voice. Did she do it or did she topple over into padded room territory?

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