Fox News Slanders Denmark, Comparing It To Venezuela, Denmark Responds

A Danish politician gave his stunning retort by video, which then went viral.

According to this source, Dan Jørgensen's video has been shared over 1.8mil times today as Danes disgust with Fox News grows. Even U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders got in on the act, sharing this via Facebook.


Source: B.T.

TV host Trish Regan came earlier this week with an unexpected swear against Denmark in her program on Fox News, where she linked Denmark with Venezuela. She also came up with all kinds of claims about Danish conditions, where most of them were shot by the side. She claimed that the Danes did not work that we did not finish our studies, and that Danish children would just make cupcakes when they finished school.

"I think it's a bit offensive that you can sit on a television channel, which is the president's favorite, spreading lies about our country," says Dan Jørgensen, continuing.

"We thought the best way to deal with it was with facts and a glimpse in the eye," says Dan Jørgensen, explaining that he grabbed the worst things he found most harmful to Denmark.

Jørgensen also said he did not agree with other Danes on social media who have called Trish Regan just some "dumb bimbo" not a real newsperson, and that she should "suck a bag of dicks."

For her part, Regan responded that she hadn't intended to compare Venezuela with Denmark, just that "socialism is not the way." Here's her original bit of stupidity.

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