Fox Panel Wrestles With Obvious: What If Manafort Was Russian Payee?

Melissa Francis wonders what we've all been thinking since the Republican Convention, duh.

Dawn breaks over at Fox News. Discussing the end of the Paul Manafort criminal trial, "Outnumbered" co-host Melissa Francis has a revelation, or at least floats a talking point trial balloon for the Fox audience: what if Manafort wasn't working for the Trump campaign for "free," but was instead being paid by Vladimir Putin?

Ya think?

MELISSA FRANCIS: As I listen to this case, and as they lay it out… my mind jumps ahead to the Russia probe, and it’s not hard for me to take that leap that he might have accepted money in order to lobby on behalf of Russians within the campaign. It doesn’t take a huge leap. That’s now what we’ve seen here and that’s not what it’s about, but when you look at how it’s all laid out.

Which brings me to my favorite tweet of the day:

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