Funniest Fox News Clip All Week: Giuliani Promises 'Watergate Reforms'!
OMG Rudy goes on Hannity and unironically promises "reforms" like "after Watergate" because of how mean the deep state is being to Trump?
If they weren't so stupid, this would be terrifying.
Rudy Guiliani was on Hannity's show Wednesday night and promised that once "everything is revealed" about how mean the deep state is towards Trump, there will be massive reforms in government, like "after Watergate."
Hannity: "My sources tell me, that when the American people get to the bottom of this, it will shock the heart, the soul, and the mind..."
Giuliani: "I think it will lead to some very big reforms, just like WATERGATE."
After picking myself up off the floor about Hannity bragging botu "my sources" -- the scriptwriters from the Fox board room...
I am absolutely sure there will be reforms, Rudy!
- Presidential candidates will be REQUIRED to release at least ten years of tax returns in order to appear in a presidential debate and on state ballots.
- Members of Congress will be forbidden from serving on boards of publically traded corporations.
- There will be paper ballots and universal voter registration, and an end to gerrymandering for all political parties nationwide. Districts will be drawn mathematically, not by politicians.
That's just the start of "post-Watergate" reforms, Rudy.