Greg Gutfeld: Trump's White House Is An 'Alternative Fox Show'

Wow, he comes right out and admits it. Fox News host Greg Gutfeld doesn't add that a Democratic Congress can cancel that "show."

Greg Gutfeld thinks he's bragging about his network instead of admitting to collusion between the so-called president and the propaganda factory that should be regulated as Republican Campaign spending 24/7/365.

GREG GUTFELD: Trump was radicalized by something, okay, because he was a Democrat for a long time. He was fairly liberal, he was pro-choice, liberal and many things. He was radicalized. What was he radicalized by? Us. Fox News…All he’s doing is what we do, which is we bash the media. So he has turned the White House into a kinda like an alternative Fox show, where he sits there, and he rips the media.

...And Fox "News" is a Trump Campaign Organization thinly disguised as a television network.

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