Hannity Compares Robert Mueller To Stalin

Sean 'Lock Her Up Benghazi DNC Murdered Seth Rich' Hannity Worried Mueller is Convicting Without Evidence?

Sean Hannity is terribly worried about the rule of law, all of a sudden. Transcript via Media Matters:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Joseph Stalin's secret police chief once famously proclaimed, quote "Show me the man, I will show you the crime." Those are chilling words, and the opposite of how the American justice system is supposed to operate. Our system is designed to prosecute crimes, not persecute individuals we disagree with. We live in a constitutional republic. We are supposed to have equal justice under the law and the equal application of our laws. Tonight in the United States this is all in jeopardy. After more than 15 months of intensive investigations surrounding one man, the president of the United States, more and more Americans rightly are realizing that Mueller's seemingly never-ending witch hunt is not only damaging the country, but it is rocking our system of justice to its very core.

Speaking of damaging the country, Hannity has been conducting fake witch hunts against Democrats his entire career, but especially lately:

And you'll love this Media Matters audio from just before Election Day, 2016:

Sean Hannity on Tuesday embraced a piece of fake news about President Obama deleting endorsements of Hillary Clinton from his Twitter account.

Hannity used the made-up news to claim that President Obama's legacy might be "jail."

The deleted-tweets claim could have been disproven by a quick Twitter search.

The progression of events illustrates how fake news stories expand and spread from fringe web sites to nationally syndicated radio shows with millions of listeners. In this case, the fake news originated on a dubious site called "Your News Wire," which publishes a mix of true, slanted and made-up news. Then, like a game of telephone, by the time the story got to Hannity, even the fake facts were wrong.


By 4 p.m., the made-up claims were on "The Sean Hannity Show." Hannity was talking about revelations from the Wikileaks trove of stolen Clinton campaign emails. He began to read information about Warren and Obama, then said "What?"

A female voice chimed in to report: "Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren have both unfollowed Hillary Clinton, as well as scrubbing their timeline of tweets about her."

"Wow," Hannity said, and paused. "That means they know it's huge. You know why? Because Obama's implicated! He's implicated here, and he's pissed. You know what his legacy might be? Jail."

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