Here He Comes Again: Erik Prince Pushes To Privatize Afghanistan War

And Trump thinks it's a really, really good idea!

Oh, we're planning to relive the Bush years? We all know how well that turned out! Via

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is increasingly venting frustration to his national security team about the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and showing renewed interest in a proposal by Blackwater founder Erik Prince to privatize the war, current and former senior administration officials said.

Prince's idea, which first surfaced last year during the president's Afghanistan strategy review, envisions replacing troops with private military contractors who would work for a special U.S. envoy for the war who would report directly to the president.

It has raised ethical and security concerns among senior military officials, key lawmakers and members of Trump's national security team. A year after Trump's strategy announcement, his advisers are worried his impatience with the Afghanistan conflict will cause him to seriously consider proposals like Prince's or abruptly order a complete U.S. withdrawal, officials said.

You remember Erik Prince, formerly of Blackwater? Betsy DeVos's brother?

Probable war criminal?

Here's a mercenary to tell us what a bad idea it is.

And here's a link to Iraq For Sale, Robert Greenwald's stunning 2006 documentary about the privatization of the Iraq war.

We all know where this is headed. Can the DoD stop it?

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