Jim Acosta Smacks 'Propagandist For Profit' Hannity

Jim Acosta placed the blame for Trump's violent crowds at the feet of Fox News and Sean Hannity, right where it belongs.

CNN reporter Jim Acosta had some choice words for Sean Hannity Wednesday night, after Trump's Bedtime BFF gave a big thumbs up to an angry mob's harassment of Acosta at a Trump rally Tuesday night.

This is was the frightening tableau Acosta faced:

Instead of trying to calm the hostilities, Hannity deliberately ratcheted them up: "They're screaming at you for a reason. They don’t like your unfair, abusively biased treatment of the president of the United States," Hannity scolded. "In other words, coverage like this from the White House correspondent at CNN – this is why they’re doing it." As if Hannity wouldn't have cowered like a chickenhawk had he faced a similarly angry mob of Democrats.

So, good on Acosta for calling out Hannity for exactly what he is:

Originally published at Newshounds.us

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