Joni Ernst Plays Cute With Her NRA Backing
The NRA paid over $3 million to get Ernst elected to the U.S. Senate, but she says she's never received any money from the NRA.
At a recent townhall, when asked if her weak bill about school safety (one that completely omits guns) had anything to do with her $3 million in support from the NRA, she gave one of those flippant replies that politicians often give when they have contempt for voters. She said, “We don’t receive dollars from the NRA. That would be illegal, and I’d be driving a nicer car.”
Isn't she just adorable?
And that, ladies and gentleman, is yet another example of why so many Americans hate politicians.
Source: Oliver Willis
The NRA has spent millions to elect Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), and she has backed their agenda while serving in the Senate. But now she is insisting that the vast sums of money spent in her favor do nothing to influence her extremist positions on guns.
At a recent town hall, an audience member confronted Ernst over her co-sponsorship of the STOP School Violence Act — which purports to address school safety, but completely ignores the problem of guns in schools.
This omission is especially glaring that the bill, which has passed the House but not the Senate, was proposed after the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Parkland, Florida.
In a video posted by March For Our Lives Iowa, a young man is seen asking Ernst if her choice to back such a weak bill had any connection to the $6 million in support she and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) have received from the NRA.
“We don’t receive dollars from the NRA,” Ernst replied, disingenuously. “That would be illegal, and I’d be driving a nicer car.”