Kevin McCarthy Whines About Twitter Censorship; It's His Settings

Before Kevin McCarthy registers as a Konservative Keyboard Kommando, (see what I did there?) he might want to press F1 for help.

Like many of the top conservatives on Twitter gang, House Majority Leader (until January 2019) Kevin McCarthy is outraged, I tell you! ...About the SILENCING of conservatives on Twitter. It's the latest victimization gambit on the Right, because if you limit the number of falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and alternative facts on a social media platform, you're also at exactly the same time, deleting all the Republican tweets.

Republicans have been given over 50% of the airtime on Cable News for so long they can't understand why social media shouldn't follow.

And the House Majority Leader until January 2019 is so outraged about censorship of conservative "thought" on Twitter...that he tweeted about it!

Turns out Laura Ingraham opened her Twitter pie hole about the violent Arab takeover of Sweden (yeah) and Kevin McCarthy got a notice that her tweet might contain "sensitive content." CENSORSHIP of conservative thought!

Twitter knows, unlike Kevin, that some of the words in Ingraham's tweet will set off filters that the user controls. You can also set Twitter to "mute" certain words like, for instance, "Laura Ingraham," but if you do, you'll miss all the times someone tweets

and I need to see those tweets for work.

One tweeter was kind enough to explain this to Kevin without using any swears.

It's not fair to use the hashtag #oldfolktechsupport, though, because doncha know, Kevin McCarthy is a YOUNG GUN of the Conservatives! SAD!

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