Laura Ingraham Whines About 'Demographic Change,' Twitter Responds

Oh, Laura. You can't help yourself.

Laura Ingraham, speaking entirely in code, makes it clear how she feels about immigrants:

"The America we know and love doesn't exist anymore. Massive demographic changes have been foisted on the American people, and they are changes that none of us ever voted for, and most of us don't like ... this is related to both illegal and legal immigration."

If Laura Ingraham didn't have 30 years of being awful behind her, I'd almost feel sorry for her.

She has virtually no advertisers left, and just think of all the stories she CAN'T talk about on her nightly show:

...Republican congressman getting arrested...
...Republican campaign manager on trial for tax evasion...
...Republican Commerce Secretary being sued for stealing $120 million
...and every day the blue wave and Mueller indictments get closer.

If any one involved in a similar set of scandals were Democrats, she'd run her full hour commercial-free with a flaming banner screaming about the corruption. But instead she must distract, and on Fox News, that means pining for a "lost America," lost to those who are not white.

"Massive demographic changes" my ass. Laura, no one voted for your Polish grandparents to pollute North America with their progeny, either.

And I do believe in keeping commentator's kids out of political arguments. One can focus, however, on Laura's DECISION to adopt overseas as being in direct conflict with the comments she made last night. She should be held accountable for that hypocrisy.

Twitter responded to Ingraham's White supremacy rant:

Frances Langum contributed to this post.

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