Mexican Restaurant Chain Faces Backlash For Its Trump Support

A picture and a Facebook post is all it took.

When Dominic Laurenzo posted this he probably never dreamed he was damaging his business, probably beyond repair. Imagine the stupidity and obliviousness it takes for a Mexican restaurant chain to post a picture of a beaming Jeff Sessions, of all people, at your restaurant. Sessions, one of Trump's most hateful bigots in an administration replete with them, is responsible for carrying out 'zero tolerance' policies, that have seen families ripped apart, and children placed in so-called 'baby jails'.

Source: OutSmart

On Friday, Houston’s popular El Tiempo restaurant chain posted on social media a photo (above) of chef/president Dominic Laurenzo posing with Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The photo reportedly was taken when Sessions dined at El Tiempo while visiting Houston to tout his crimefighting strategies.

“We had the honor to server (SIC) Mr. Jeff Sessions,” El Tiempo’s post stated. “Thank you for allowing us to serve you.”

In response to fierce backlash, El Tiempo later deleted the photo, and offered an explanation.

But this weak tea of an explanation was too late. Many noted Laurenzo's support for Trump in a 2016 Houston Chronicle article.

A #BoycottElTiempo hashtag started almost immediately.

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