#QAnon, Georgia Car Wash Style

Here you’ve got grown adult people running around talking in code like the rest of us did in junior high school.

Y’all, I have kinda figured out what #QAnon is.  To be honest, all I really know is that I do not want to even go there to look. I figure that if Alex Jones and Sean Hannity promote it, it’s probably over the Texas Interscholastic League’s allowable level of insanity and greed.

Thelma tells me it’s the Zombie Apocalypse and nobody who is actually alive has recognized that yet.  No matter, because Thelma has stocked up on whatever it is you stock up on when there’s zombies at your back door.

But here you’ve got grown adult people running around talking in code like the rest of us did in junior high school.

Leave it to Georgia, and I think because it’s far too hot in Georgia in August for proper thinking to prosper, to take this whole thing over the line.  There’s a car wash in Georgia sending #QAnon signals.

No, I am not kidding.

An Acworth car wash has aligned its business with a group who believe a government insider is publicly uncovering a vast left-wing plot against President Donald Trump.

The billboard reads “#QANON” — citing a group many have said espouse conspiracy theories — and has a logo with the name of Car Nutz Car Wash in the bottom left corner.

You know, they could have just left off the first “Car” and the whole thing would make better sense.

I’m starting a conspiracy that this billboard is a false flag and  Nuts Car Wash is front for Nancy Pelosi and her squad of lefty lesbian liberals to take over the muscle car industry.

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