Racist Georgia Lawmaker Jumps Through Hoops To Try To Justify Trump Using The N-Word
He flip flopped so many times between it is never ok to use the n-word to it is sometimes ok to it is ok but only in private life.
In what can only be described as Olympic level mental gymnastics, Georgia State Senator Michael Williams attempted to both decry and justify Donald Trump's usage of the N-word...WHILE BEING INTERVIEWED BY A BLACK JOURNALIST. Yes, he said these things straight to a black man's face, while on tv and knowing that millions of people would see his words live and that his interview would be recorded, forever.
His first view: Well, if Trump said it before he was in office, he is fine with it.
BUT, then he flipped to saying that it WOULD matter:
“Yes, it would matter. It would matter as an individual. It would not necessarily matter to me as the person that is running our country. The reason I separate those two is… he has his personal beliefs, his personal ideas. I truly believe he is able to separate those from how he is running the country.”
Kind of like how Peter Strzok was allowed to have personal views before the election and the GOP was totally fine with that? WAITTTT....
Williams went on:
“He did not use the N-word as the office of the president, in that office. He used it outside his office. Now if he was president and goes on TV and uses the N-word, yes, I would have a major problem with that. But if he did it before he was president?”
First of all, how the hell does this man know what Trump has said or done while in office? He doesn't. He is assuming that Trump hasn't used the word, and you know what your mom told you happens when you "assume" anything.
Second, the bar is set so low that he is fine with the word usage as long as Trump doesn't GO ON TV and use it? Are we sure that won't happen at some point? Trump is already using racist dog whistles in tweets (lowlife, dog, cockroach, infestation). We are just one hop, skip and a hump away from the N-word on primetime tv.
The CNN anchor asks again if it is ok for Trump to have used the word (in any context) and Williams now flips to his third position:
“I don’t have a problem with Donald Trump having used it in the past as my president. I always say using the N-word should not be accepted in society. Just because he may have done it years ago, not as our president, doesn’t mean we need to continue to berate him because he used it.”
And that is where he stuck the landing. He doesn't have a problem with it. And I bet most of the GOP feels the same way. They are just not stupid enough to go on tv and say it.
The good news? Williams has decided not to seek re-election for his state senate seat in 2018 and came in dead last in his bid for governor.