Reports From The White House: 'Trump Is Nuts. This Time Really Feels Different'
Looks like crazy grandpa is pretty close to losing his marbles...while he retains control of the nuclear football.
Looks like the Unstable Genius in the White House may not be so Stable anymore, if the report from Vanity Fair is correct.
Gabriel Sherman's article paints Trump as a man backed into a corner with allies defecting, wolves circling his carcass waiting for him die while he paces in a frenetic, manic state of stasis.
It all started with the double whammy of a Manafort conviction in Northern Virginia on a litany of financial crimes followed by the nearly simultaneous plea deal Michael Cohen struck in New York in relation to federal charges, then the news on Thursday that Pecker was handing over his treasure trove of secret files to Mueller and the immunity deal hashed out with Trump Organization C.F.O. Allen Weisselberg on Friday. Talk about a BAD week for Donald Trump.
Donald Trump, the stablest of genuises, handled it exactly as you would expect a 70+ year old man with the self control and mood regulation of a 4 year old child with ADHD would: terribly.
Sherman writes:
Donald Trump spiraled out of control, firing wildly in all directions. He railed against “flippers” in a rambling Fox & Friends interview, and lashed out on Twitter at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Justice Department, and Robert Mueller. In the wake of his outbursts, White House officials have discussed whether Trump would listen to his closest New York City friends in an effort to rein him in.
In an effort to calm down the toddler in the White House, some officials tried to invite Trump's loyal friends to an intervention. On the list were Rudy Giuliani, Tom Barrack, Richard LeFrak, and Howard Lorber. But Trump refused.
(This reminds me the incredible A&E show, Intervention, where many of the subjects refused treatment and assistance when they were at their breaking point)
Sherman reported that a former West Wing official told him: “Trump is nuts. This time really feels different.” That is not comforting.
Disgraced FOX Executive and current Deputy Chief of Staff, Bill Shine, has reportedly expressed concern as well, calling Trump's emotional state "very tender." And apparently Javanka and even worried about dear old klan daddy.
He was apparently on a tear this weekend, reportedly “he spent the weekend calling people and screaming.” And the White House staff who have to witness this insanity? They are staying silent and hunkering down -- versus quitting and sharing their first hand accounts with the press. Why? No idea. Stupidity. Loyalty. Knowledge that they can't get another job in DC with this position on their resume?
With today's news that Manafort has been trying to negotiate a plea deal with Mueller definitely won't calm crazy grandpa down.