Huckabee Sanders Insists Trump Did Nothing Wrong Since No Charges Filed On Him

Say it with her. "No Collusion!" "No Charges!" "Nothing Wrong!"

Well, this was fun. Sarah Huckabee Sanders actually held a press conference today - the day after his former attorney implicated our dear leader in campaign finance law violations - and answered every single question by saying there was absolutely nothing wrong with absolutely anything the Tangerine Turdnugget has ever done ever in his entire life. Especially as it regards Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort.

The presser can best be summarized by this tweet:

But if you want more details, you can enjoy the video above of this reporter going in on her by reminding her that our tax dollars pay her salary, and she needs to answer some damn questions.

REPORTER: In his interview today, the president said he found out about those payments Michael Cohen made later on. But he is on tape discussing how to make one of the payments with Michael Cohen. So before the payment was made. How do you explain that?

SANDERS: Once again, I commented on this pretty extensively. What I can tell you about this is that the president did nothing wrong, there are no charges against him, there is no collusion. For anything beyond that, I refer you to the president's outside counsel.

REPORTER: Rudy Giuliani is not a tax-payer-funded spokesperson for the president. You are. So, how can you not explain something the president said today, on the grounds of the White House, that seems to contradict audio that has been confirmed, that it is the president saying that?

SANDERS: Once again I have addressed this a number of times. Just because you continue to ask the same questions over and over, I am not giving a different answer. The president has done nothing wrong, there are no charges against him. There IS no collusion. That's what I can tell you about this. If you want something further, I WOULD refer you to the president's outside counsel.

REPORTER: Does the White House maintain that the president did not have affairs with Karen McDougal or Stephanie Clifford?

SANDERS: We've addressed this a number of times.

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