Steve Doocy Encourages Diamond And Silk To Attack Media As ‘Enemy Of The People’

It was bad enough that the lying Trumpettes known as “Diamond and Silk” smeared the media as “the enemy of the people,” especially when these two engage in everything they accuse the media of. But even worse was Fox host Steve Doocy’s fake challenge that really served to egg them on for more.

It was bad enough that the lying Trumpettes known as “Diamond and Silk” smeared the media as “the enemy of the people,” especially when these two engage in everything they accuse the media of. But even worse was Fox host Steve Doocy’s fake challenge that really served to egg them on for more.

It seems that these two sisters can’t open their mouths without lying or getting their facts wrong. They got right to it in their smear of the media when Lynnette “Diamond” Hardaway claimed, “The media don’t understand that we are behind our president.”

FACT CHECK: The majority of adults in America disapprove of Trump.

Not one of the cohosts corrected the record. They were, apparently, too eager to hear more of the attacks on the media.

DIAMOND: When [Trump] talks about the media, he’s telling the truth. … Not only are they the enemy of the people, they are the enemy of the truth.

SILK: That’s right

That’s when Doocy feigned his challenge:

DOOCY: Diamond and Silk, do you really believe that the news media are the enemy of the people? Or simply, you know, they may be critical of the president but do you really think they’re the enemy of the people?

And surprise! We heard more about how they really think so.

DIAMOND: Let me tell you why I agree with that. Because whenever you take and you put out a lie and not give us the facts -

SILK: That’s right.

DIAMOND: You can create all kinds of chaos in our country.

SILK: Mmm hmm.

DIAMOND: That’s what makes you the enemy to the people. You are supposed to report the facts, not salacious gossip, not disparaging somebody or vilifying somebody or try to destroy their reputation.

Hardaway and "Silk" Rochelle Richardson were throwing stones from the glassiest of houses. Previously, they've lied about their “censorship” by Facebook, e.g., and the sisters told two whoppers in the service of smearing Hillary Clinton: that Russia got its nuclear weapons because of Clinton and the (bogus and debunked by Fox News) Uranium One “scandal.”

Naturally, none of the cohosts thought of any of that.

But hey, you only needed to wait seconds before the two hypocrites did it again.

Cohost Ed Henry, moonlighting from his day job as a supposedly objective “chief national correspondent,” changed the subject to New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo, with an obvious eye toward having the pair attack him. Salon explains:

“We’re not going to make America great again,” Cuomo, who faces a buzzy primary battle against former “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon in September, recently said. “It was never that great,” he concluded in a clip that was quickly seized upon by right-wing media.

“According to Google, he’s worth $5 million,” Diamond began on Thursday [sic]. Fact check: Google is not a news source, and running a simple search on the platform is not in it of itself a thorough vetting of facts.

That’s right, the dumb dumbs just promoted unverified information about Cuomo. Then they went ahead and disparaged and vilified Cuomo.

DIAMOND: If he don’t like America, and if he feel like America cannot be great, greater than we’ve ever seen it before, he needs to pack his rags and he needs to go to another country.

SILK: That’s right!

Again, no host challenged the fake news coming from the guests, nor the fact that they had just engaged in exactly the kind of rhetoric they claimed to disapprove of.

Watch this despicable excuse for news programming above, from the August 17, 2018 Fox & Friends.

(H/T NewsHound Priscilla)

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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