Sununu Pretends Trump Didn't Insult The Memory Of John McCain

He also tells Alisyn Camerota he doesn't believe CNN is a credible source for that information.

This isn't new. John Sununu says something equally stupid or insulting every time CNN has him on as a guest. So I continue to ask: Why does CNN continue to invite guests who don't inform or enlighten?

"Governor, what do you think about President Trump rejecting the practice of putting out an official White House statement about John McCain's service and sacrifice?" Alisyn Camerota asked.

"It was in the Washington Post. And I have to be honest with you, I don't give any credence to what I read," Sununu said.

"We also have that reporting," Camerota said.

"Yeah, well, same thing applies, Alisyn," he said.

Camerota called him out.

"Governor -- you come on CNN and we appreciate you coming on CNN and we appreciate your take on it. But I don't appreciate you denigrating our reporting. We have excellent reporters here. Are you saying you don't want to believe that, you don't want to believe that President Trump would do that about John McCain?" she said.

"I'm saying, I don't want to comment on a report that I haven't satisfied myself is correct," Sununu said.

"This is our reporting. We have rock solid sources --"

"Look, I came on -- you asked me to come on to talk about John McCain. I'm here to talk about John McCain as I remember him. I'm not here to talk about the press's handling of a difference between the White House and the press corps at this time."

"It's not the press's handling. It's president trump's handling of John McCain's death," she said.

Sununu continued to defend the White House. "I think Americans ought to be looking at the positive side not trying to create a division amongst people who are in joint sorrow mourning a great American."

Camerota pressed him again. "And are you satisfied that President Trump's statement goes far enough?"

Sununu said he was disturbed by "this effort by the press to accentuate the negative that created the climate that prevents in the long term the bipartisanship that John McCain supported. I don't want to be a part of rubbing whatever salt there is in whatever wound there may be because I think that just adds to the division."

John Sununu is always divisive. It's a tribute to his own hubris that he can say the journalist pointing out the smallness and pettiness of Trump is the petty one.

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