Tucker Carlson Pimps Bogus White-Racist South African 'Land Grab' Conspiracy

In a shout-out to his white supremacist fan base, Tucker Carlson promoted the newest white supremacy conspiracy – that the racist, black president of South Africa is engaging in a racist plot to steal land from white people.

In a shout-out to his white supremacist fan base, Tucker Carlson promoted the newest white supremacy conspiracy – that the racist, black president of South Africa is engaging in a racist plot to steal land from white people.

Looking very serious, white privilege poster boy Tucker Carlson began his report (“exclusive investigation”): “The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, has begun ... seizing land from his own citizens without compensation because they are the wrong skin color.” Carlson added that this is “literally the definition of racism” and that “racism is what our elites say they dislike most, Donald Trump is a racist they say, but they paid no attention to this at all.”

In Tucker Carlson’s clean, white world, white supremacy is “extremely rare.” But he is ever attuned to the bigotry shown towards his white soul-siblings by racist African-Americans and diversity training. And that’s why Tucker Carlson shared the newest, bogus, racist conspiracy hitting the right-wing fever swamps – a shocking exposé that quickly caught the attention of ace Fox-watcher, Donald Trump who wasted no time tweeting about this outrage to white people!

A photo of Barack Obama (scary, African man), with the South African president, was shown as Carlson reminded us that the South African leader is one of Obama’s “favorite leaders.” Carlson informed us that Obama has “praised the racist government of South Africa.”

Carlson continued his rant about this “immoral” action (covered extensively on Breitbart and RT) which, he claimed, “should be getting world-wide attention ... but are getting basically none.” He read a State Department statement which did not support Carlson’s outrage. Carlson accused the South African president of changing the country’s constitution in order to disadvantage those with "the wrong skin color.” Once again he reminded us that this land acquisition is being done “for racist reasons.”

Carlson played video of his interview with Marian Tupy a white South African who works for the Cato Institute. He agreed with Tucker that South Africa is implementing a racist policy toward whites – a policy that Carlson asserted is a “human rights tragedy.” Tupy advised Trump to denounce the policy.

In an effort to keep Obama hatred alive, Carlson asked why the former president would have praised the “racist” South African leader. Tupy criticized Ramaphosa and urged Obama to tell the South African leader to reverse his policy.

Carlson: “I wish he had said that in public when he had the chance, but of course he didn’t, being a coward.”

Carlson’s show ends at 9PM ET. At 10:28, Trump issued his tweet with a shout-out to @Tucker Carlson and @FoxNews! In his re-tweet of Trump’s tweet, David Duke thanked Trump for his comment.

FACT CHECK: In order to engage in his trademark race baiting and white supremacy sympathy, Tucker Carlson has conveniently ignored the facts which relate to land distribution in post-apartheid South Africa. Carlson either doesn’t know or doesn’t care that during apartheid, blacks could not own land. Thus, when apartheid ended, most of the land was and is still held by whites. The government had previously compensated farmers for the acquisition of land, but now the law has changed to allow land seizures without compensation. But despite the change in the law (and contrary to Carlson's claims) – “NO LAND HAS BEEN SEIZED.”

While the principal objection to this process is economic, neo-Nazis and other unsavory alt-right types are using the issue to promote the meme of black on white racism and to create a conspiracy about an orchestrated campaign of violence and killings against white farmers in an attempt to achieve “white genocide.”

This claim, that blacks are physically targeting blacks, is not substantiated by available data.

In responding to the Trump tweet (based on Carlson’s report) the government of South Africa, stated that Trump’s comment “is based on false information” while demonstrating a “narrow perception which only seeks to divide our nation and remind us of our colonial past.” The Anti-Defamation League has also issued a statement about the “disturbing nature” of Trump’s tweet.

Carlson’s show has been described as “a conduit for racist conspiracy theories advanced by the most radical white supremacists in the world for delivery to the Oval Office.” Given that Carlson's twisted presentation of a white supremacist meme ended up in a Trump tweet, this description appears to be absolutely true!

Watch Carlson prove yet again why he’s beloved by white nationalists above, from the August 22, 2018 Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Crossposted at News Hounds.

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