Tucker Carlson Wants Someone To Send Him Classified FISA Application On Carter Page

Tucker will say anything to distract from the Paul Manafort trial.

In an apparent effort to distract from the Paul Manafort trial, Tucker Carlson all but begged for the opportunity to reveal classified information he assumes will undermine the Russia investigation.

Carlson teamed up with Rep. Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Nunes, whose GOP colleagues did their part for the Cover-Up Caucus by shutting down the House investigation into Russian sabotage of the 2016 election and refusing to find out who was at the other end of the blocked phone number Donald Trump Jr. called before and after his meeting with the Kremlin-connected Russians who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton. Nunes’ idea of what should be pursued? The so-called shadow-banning of conservatives by Twitter (despite the fact that Republicans just did away with internet neutrality).

Although Nunes insisted the redacted portions of the FISA warrant application contained no sensitive information, Nunes balked at turning over an unredacted copy unless it’s declassified.

But Carlson, who has never spent a minute serving his country in intelligence, law enforcement or in any other capacity, declared that there’s no reason to keep the material classified and repeatedly asked someone to leak it to him so he could air it.

Carlson who seemed too frightened to cover the Manafort trial with a lawyer, had not a qualm about spilling classified information. He followed up the discussion with Nunes to reiterate his plea:

CARLSON: [Nunes] has read the full text of the application for the FISA warrant that allowed the government, the Obama administration, to spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign. He says the parts that have been redacted do not in any way threaten national security, that it’s merely butt covering on the part of the bureaucracy.

We asked the obvious question which is, why don’t you just tell us what’s in it. Let the public decide, let the public judge. …

Carlson read a text from “a very informed person in Washington” who claimed that “complete immunity awaits” anyone who leaks the FISA warrant. Unfortunately for any potential leakers, Carlson had not yet verified that claim. But, “I believe that to be true,” Carlson said. Then he reiterated his plea.

CARLSON: I will say one more time: If you know what is in the redacted portions of that application, please send it to us. The public has a right to know. There’s no excuse for withholding that from the public. Let us decide.

crossposted from NewsHounds

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