Brit Hume Thinks Staffers Who 'Rein In' Trump Are Heroes
The double standard for Trump is outrageous.
This is a full-blown crisis, where the so-called president is such a nut job his own staff has to steal documents from his desk so he won't sign them into law.
After eight years of Solyndra food stamp fraud birth certificate secret Muslim IRS Benghazi pizzagate false flag tan suit, all of a sudden we have heroes in the White House preventing the Republican so-called president from starting World War Three. Brit Hume not only said it on Fox, he said the same thing on Twitter:
And Brit Hume calling those staffers "heroes" is a way to poke back at the Never Trumpers who say "good people" shouldn't work at the White House?
Do you even hear what you're saying, Brit? Probably not, because Brit Hume 2015 would slap you silly. That time when you said Obama needed to put on his "big boy pants" and deal with National Security.
Good times. Good times.