The Democrats Are Coming...

In 2018, the Democrats will field the most candidates for Congress of any party in history.

Echoing Howard Dean's '50 State Strategy' that was so disliked by Democratic strategists over a decade ago, his vision now seems to be winning the day, as Democrats will field candidates in almost all races in 2018.

Source: Ballot Access News

In the November 2018 election, there will be Democrats on the ballot in all but two U.S. House districts. No party in the history of government-printed ballots has ever before had candidates on the ballot in that many districts. Even in the 1930’s, the Democrats did not have that many nominees. The Republican Party has never had that many candidates.

The only two districts that the Democrats missed are California’s 8th district, and Georgia’s 8th district. In California’s 8th district, the top-two system blocked any Democrat from qualifying for the general election ballot. There were two Republicans and three Democrats. The two Republicans received 44,482 and 24,933 votes. The three Democrats received 23,675, 10,990, and 5,049 votes.

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