Donnie And Jong Un Sitting In A Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Our Korean foreign policy has taken a decided creepy turn.

For decades now, our relationship in the Korean peninsula has been fraught and measured. We technically still have about 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea as visible and tangible presence against the totalitarianism of North Korea.

But that's all over now.


Because Trump and dictator Kim Jong Un are In. Love.


No, seriously.

Donald Trump again described his warm relationship with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un at a rally in Wheeling, West Virginia, Saturday, saying: “We fell in love.”

Trump began by talking of the massive threat that North Korea posed before he took office in January 2017. But, he said, his ability to develop a warm relationship with Kim during a summit in Singapore in June has been key to easing tensions.

“That was a big big problem,” Trump said of North Korea in front of a typically raucous pro-Trump crowd. “And, you know, when I did it, and I was really being tough, and so was he. And we were going back and forth, and then we fell in love, OK. No, really. He wrote me beautiful letters, and they're great letters. And then we fell in love.”

I gotta tell you, the US foreign policy practices has changed pretty considerably and quite creepily in my lifetime. Reagan and Thatcher were said to be very closely aligned and liked one another greatly, but no one would think to suggest a romantic attachment.

Should we tell Trump how Kim treats members of his own family (whom he presumably loved at one point)?


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