Fox & Friends Loves How Kavanaugh Sounds Like Trump
Donald Trump’s Fox & Friends lickspittles were delighted that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh reminded them of Dear Leader yesterday during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Because nothing says “right temperament for a lifetime appointment to the top court in the land” than one guy accused of sexual assault acting like a guy who has boasted about committing sexual assault.
Donald Trump’s Fox & Friends lickspittles were delighted that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh reminded them of Dear Leader yesterday during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Because nothing says “right temperament for a lifetime appointment to the top court in the land” than one guy accused of sexual assault acting like a guy who has boasted about committing sexual assault.
Media Matters caught the Curvy Couch Cheerleaders suggesting that what the country needs now is someone like Trump on the Supreme Court (emphases added):
BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): I love this description: [Kavanaugh] might have been a Bush appointee, but he channeled Trump yesterday.
STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): It was very Trumpian.
KILMEADE: It was very Trumpian. And he said—and it’s been speculated that he was channeling one person, that’s the president, who was watching.
AINSLEY EARHARDT (CO-HOST): Because he was real?
KILMEADE: But he also wants to fight. The president’s a fighter—whether you love him or not, that’s up to you. But no one doubts this: The president fights for who and what he believes in daily.
Earhardt promotes herself as a devout Christian who claims to hate political divisiveness. But that never seems to interfere with her worship of the congenital liar who has been repeatedly accused of sexual assault and harassment and has even bragged about grabbing women by the p**** . It certainly didn’t interfere with her sycophancy now.
Instead of showing any concern for the many lies Kavanaugh has been caught (so far) telling under oath, Earhardt joined the Fox News cheering of Kavanaugh for channeling Clarence Thomas, too. He's the accused sexual harasser already on the Supreme Court bench:
EARHARDT: All of the media was saying [Kavanaugh] needs to be different than he was in that measured interview. He really didn’t say much in that interview, maybe because he was prepped for it. But many people were saying they want to see the Clarence Thomas come out because Clarence Thomas, when he was in the same position, he was heated, defending himself.
So Ainsley, who do you think Jesus would have groped and what would he have lied about under oath?
Watch the lack of morals above, from the September 28, 2018 Fox & Friends.
Crossposted at News Hounds.
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