Fox & Friends Promotes Crazy Doppelgänger Theory

Ed Whelan's bonkers theory given credibility by Fox News, of course.

So, you posit an insane theory that Christine Ford's accusation against Kavanaugh is a case of mistaken identity, for which you're widely ridiculed everywhere. Everywhere that is, except for Fox News and other fringe internet sites.

STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): There was one other factor, and I'm sure being down in Washington yesterday, you saw the fact that a fellow by the name of Ed Whelan, who had been one of the clerks for Antonin Scalia and a supporter of Judge Kavanaugh, he looked at what Christine Ford told The Washington Post and figured out, OK, these people were named, these four people, where did they live? And looked at what she had said and figured out what house it may have happened at, because it was a house closest to the golf course, and then realized whose house it was and looked at a picture of the young man who lived there at the time who was a classmate of Mr. Kavanaugh's. Put up side by side images, they look a lot a like.


ED HENRY (CO-HOST): Is it a case of mistaken identity? Now Dr. Ford put out a statement last night insisting she knows the difference between Judge Kavanaugh --

DOOCY: Zero chance.

HENRY: And this other person and there's no chance. So we'll see.

For his part, Whelan seems to have woken up and smelled the coffee, and now retracted his theory, calling it an "inexcusable and appalling mistake of judgment." Perhaps realizing he'd just set himself up for a lawsuit.

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