Illinois Republicans Try To Distance Themselves From Trump
How's that working out for you, Governor Bruce Rauner?
This is one of the most devastating ads of the 2018 cycle.
Incumbent Republican, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner is going to lose against fellow billionaire J.B. Pritzker because Rauner has been a disaster.
Rauner forced the state to go two years without a budget to force a fight on public sector unions. His actions were deliberate and cruel to the disabled and elderly who depend on state help. His lack of stewardship aside, the political optics of this nasty fight have destroyed his ability to get re-elected.
But he's still running for re-election, and he was interviewed by a reporter named Amanda Vinicky, who asked him one very simple question: "Who did you vote for in the 2016 presidential race?"
He keeps saying the word "focus" as if it will make the question go away. He won't say he voted for Hillary and he won't say he voted for Trump.
Is he a Republican or not? OR, is he thinking after Trump goes down his own sewer, Americans will forget that Trump ran as a Republican and received more Republican primary votes than any candidate in party history?
Related: Republican Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois's 13th District (running with Paul Ryan's campaign money) won't answer the question either.
Republicans who can't support Trump in their elections might want to consider removing him from office? It would put them on the right side of history.