Jason Johnson: If You Grab A Woman And Turn Up The Music, 'That Is A Problem'

It's nice to hear a man step up and spell it out: Even once is a problem.

Republican consultant Sarah Rumpf was trying to walk the party line, but you could tell her heart wasn't really in it.

Joy Reid asked her if she believed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's accusation.

"I want to hear from her. There is something to be said for being able to hear someone speak in their own words," Rumpf said.

"Let's say she said exactly what is in the letter," Reid said. "Will you believe if she repeated exactly what is in her letter?"

"Until I see her and until I see her speak, being willing to speak under oath in front of the Senate Judiciary committee -- I think there is a reason we set our court system up this way - "

"It is not a court," Reid said.

Rumpf sain cases like Bill Cosby there were "multiple accusations."

"And there were investigations," Reid retorted.

This went on for a bit, then Jason Johnson jumped into the discussion.

"Yeah, I got to say this. I'm offended as a man. It is -- he was accused of sexual assault and a man will be the judge. And this is not just what he was doing in high school --because he was drinking underage, which is against the law-- and he's soon to be one of the most important judges of the land and also look at what he did when he was in college, and any organizations he was in. and their 'no means yes' and yes means whatever. It is not like this is a one-time incident. and I'm so sick and tired of the arguments, well there are other people. so -- so you're not a murderer if you kill one person, you gotta kill five before you're considered a murderer," he said.

"That is wasn't what I was arguing," Rumpf said.

"If you grabbed a woman, held your hand over her mouth and turned up the music that is a problem," he said. "This notion this will all be derailed or problematic, or we have to wait for a public performance to believe this person could be solved, if there was an FBI investigation --which this president and the Republicans on the committee refuse to do. And I remember a time, crazy as it may seem, for a man like this who brings this much trouble and this much problems and this -- and this sort of attack on integrity to the Supreme Court would just withdraw. And I think eventually, if he cares about this country, he will," Johnson said.

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