New Polls Show Democrats With Double-Digit Leads In Mid-Terms
As GOP anti-Trumper Rick Wilson says, Trump has the opposite of a Midas touch.
The Morning Joe panel discussed the results of new polls that show Democrats on the mid-term ballots have a double-digit lead.
"With 54 days until the midterm elections, three new national polls give democrats a double digit advantage in the vote for Congress. The latest Quinnipiac poll shows Democrats 14% ahead of Republicans on the ballot, while the newest Politico poll puts Democrats 10 points ahead," Mika Brzezinski said.
She said the Dems now have a five-point lead among men.
"So, Willie, while I don't usually look at the generic ballot test, you look, you know, more at the intensity. That's what really matters. And the Democrats have that, as well. but I always look at trend lines," Scarborough said.
"And gosh, the trend lines for the Republicans and these generic ballot tests have completely collapsed. Remember, they were crowing again in the spring, it's been closed, you live for -- yeah, whatever. Here we are. Those are massive numbers."
"Yeah. how about the woman number?" Geist said. "That's the one I look at, a 20-point spread for Democratic women there. That is a devastating number. And you look at the kind of candidates the Democrats are running this fall and what they hope and expect will be a blue wave, it's women, it's minority candidates, the kind of people they need to peel back and create some distance from Republicans and Donald Trump,"
"And what's even more amazing is some of the Republican women that are running, they're still having a lot of drag on their side from Donald Trump," Susan DelPercio said.
"I mean, when you look at those numbers, I just looked at a poll from Nevada. 62% of people think that their state is going in the right direction economically. and yet Heller is in for the race of his life. And that is just absolutely stunning. And when you talk about the spread of people wanting to come out against Donald Trump's policy versus support it, that's a nine-point spread there. That says an awful lot," Susan DelPercio said.
"Again, when you start talking about intensity, we hear and we're going to hear it, I'm sure, when we go to Mississippi. But you hear a lot of people, I hear a lot of my friends in the south saying 'I voted for him. I don't want to talk about it. you should have stopped tweeting," Scarborough said. "Or I just don't want to talk about it." Scarborough said.
"Those people who feel that way, and there are a lot of them, and they are disgusted by Donald Trump even if they like some of the policies, those are the people that stay home,"
"And that is the biggest problem the Republicans are facing now," DelPercio said.
Yep. Republican voters will be staying home. Gosh darn, sure gonna miss them!