WHAT? Chuck Todd Warns Dems That 'Divisive Gender-Based Culture War' Will Backfire
Both Siderism is a heckuva drug, and Chuck Todd is patient zero for the addiction.
Chuck Todd knows this Kavanaugh thing is really bad for Republicans. He notes that there are no women Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, and that Kavanaugh has categorically denied not only attacking Dr. Ford, but of being at "the" party, whereas no date, time, or location of the party is actually known. That's a stinking rat of a lie.
But Chuck can't leave it at that, Both sides must be to blame, at risk, or set for a fall. Otherwise, that "Both Sides" fix isn't any good.
Both siderism is a heckuva drug, and Chuck Todd is an addict.
CHUCK TODD: As we know, the culture wars in this country have become, I would say, more and more toxic every time we have a clash: whether on race, whether on gender, whether on religion. When you think about the moment we are in with #MeToo, when you think about the atmosphere President Trump has created and sometimes facilitates? You can see how galvanizing the hearing would be on Monday. That's why I think both, I think certainly the Republicans have more to fear here than the Democrats, but the Democrats, also, shouldn't assume that this automatically plays their way, that a divisive gender-based culture war will somehow help in these midterms. Look, it could unite the Trump base. They have not been as animated. There's a lot of ways this could play out. There's a lot more risk on the Republican side, given that no woman Republican is on the committee. Absolutely on the Republican side, could absolutely blow up in their face, too. That's why I'm using the dynamite analogy. It's that fraught with peril, potentially for both parties.
If someone was raped, that's not just a culture war, Chuck. You are not noticing how furious women are this time around.
h/t Heather for the catch.
UPDATE: Related and highly recommended: "And You Thought Trump Voters Were Mad American women are furious — and our politics and culture will never be the same."
By Rebecca Traister at The Cut