An Open Letter To MSNBC Head Honcho Andy Lack

It's time for the head of MSNBC and NBC News to get a little breaking news of his own.

Dear Andy,

I hope you don't mind the familiarity. We bloggers revel in tearing down social statifications and challenging authority. You may be a head honcho and get paid more in a month than I made for the last five years, but when it comes down to it, we're both just politically engaged people trying to appeal to other politically engaged people.

That said, Andy, you're in some serious trouble. Deep, deep trouble.

It may be, frankly, fatal to your career at NBC News. The news reports and whisperings I hear from my friends at 30 Rock certainly sound like it is. And no, not because Trump tweets it. If NBC's board is cowed by Trump's idiotic tweets enough to let you go, the country has much bigger problems than your job.

Nope, your fatal flaw is much more basic. You haven't joined the 21st century. Let me clue you in: The future is female. And in this #MeToo age, you're failing dismally.

That means you need to clean up your offices. Matt Lauer should have no expectation of making a comeback. Ever. Nor should Charlie Rose, Tom Brokaw or any other man who doesn't understand how to keep their hands to themselves and conduct themselves professionally in an office setting (that means keeping your clothes on--hard to believe that has to be said explicitly).

In fact, it's a really good idea for you to bring in some consultants for some sensitivity training. Maybe one of them will teach Chris Matthews not to interrupt his female guests before they can get a sentence out. And perhaps they can get Joe Scarborough to ease up on the frat house sneering of any females with Mike Barnicle and Willie Geist. Mika may be willing to put up with it, but the rest of us find it misogynistic and off-putting.

I would also highly advise you reconsider Megyn Kelly's employment. I know I said that the future is female and at face value, it would seem hypocritical to advocate for losing a prominent female face on air. But hear me out, it's only helpful when said female is speaking for and supporting other females. That's not Megyn Kelly. In fact, I can't believe that this needs to be said to a sentient being (but then again, maybe I expect too much from Kelly), but there is NO such thing as too much support for sexual assault victims.

And then Andy, we need to talk about Ronan Farrow's reporting on Harvey Weinstein. What the hell were you thinking quashing that?

I know, I know, the official line is that you were waiting for a victim to confirm an on-air interview (um, back to that sensitivity training, Andy, you do know how absolutely assholish that demand is, to re-victimize someone who has likely had her livelihood and personhood damaged? Who does that?). But now that producer Rich McHugh has quit and confirmed Ronan's version of events, you know what that means you did?


That's quite a pattern for you. One that really shows that you don't understand what's happening in the world.

And that's no place for the head of one of the major news organizations to be in.

Look, I haven't even gotten into the issues of diversity and representation --although it's important and may actually prevent this from happening in the future. I haven't mentioned the penchant for bringing fact-free conservative talking heads for "balance" (at least you don't do what CNN does and hire those still bound by Trump NDAs). I haven't even touched on hiring journalists who don't think their job is to provide facts.

And I'm pretty sure that if I started up with how damaging NBC's coverage was during the 2016 campaign to our fundamental democracy--not just Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump, but the actual democracy that give you this life of privilege (and believe you me, Andy, I could argue this case really persuasively), I would have you cowering in a corner for the rest of your life.

You've really messed up, Andy.

It's time to clean it up. Do your job better. Insist that NBC News and MSNBC collectively do their jobs better.

The country will thank you for it.



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