Paypal Latest To Boot Alex Jones

Perhaps the move that will hurt him the most...in the wallet.

This is the best one yet. Alex Jones and his drooling, tin-foil-hat show Infowars has already been banned from Twitter, Facebook, and had podcasts removed from Spotify and Apple platforms. Alex Jones cannot get to his money thanks to PayPal. The online payment service became the latest to ban the psycho sadist from using its platform, and this is one that could really hurt him, given his accumulating legal fees.

According to CBS News,

The online payment service on Friday said it was ending its business relationship with Infowars and related websites, saying an extensive review of their controversial content "found instances that promoted hate and discriminatory intolerance against certain communities and religions that run counter to our core value of inclusion."

How will Jones ever get the money from the "male vitality supplement" he peddles on his Infowars storefront??? Oh, my heart just weeps for the man who sics his millions of brain-dead followers on grieving parents of six-year-olds murdered in their classrooms.

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