Republicans 'Governing' Means Another Tax Cut For Billionaires

There's very little they know how to do. Cutting taxes for their billionaire donors? AGAIN? They can DO that!

One-Trick Pony Knows Exactly One Trick

As you may recall, late last year, Republicans passed the Billions for Billionaires bill that put money in the pockets of their payroll masters and took it out of the pay stubs of Joe Lunchbox, because you know, when billionaires yachts rise up on the tides, the peasants tied to the anchor drown.


Except, you know, most Americans thought the Billions for Billionaires was utter BS.

Now, as Republicans face the grim reality of losing their majority in the House, Wingnuttia is working on a Hail Mary pass that they are sure will change their fate come November, and you’ll never guess what their crazy idea is!

Tax Cuts II, the The Wrath of Cohn:

House Republican lawmakers introduced legislation Monday that would make the 2017 tax cuts for individuals permanent in a bid to highlight their signature economic policy achievement ahead of the November elections. . . . The amount the tax cut 2.0 legislation would add to the deficit would likely outweigh any economic growth stemming from the cuts, according to Alan Viard, a resident scholar at the right-leaning think tank American Enterprise Institute.


So you know, when you’re the party of sound fiscal prudence and you’ve already blown a $1.5 trillion hole in the deficit, what’s another $2 trillion Ameros?

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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