Scaramucci Wrote A Fawning Book About Donald Trump And It Is Unintentionally Hilarious

The Mooch is desperate to drag out his 15 minutes of fame and figured that writing a super awesome pro-Trump book would be the best way to get that sweet MAGA money.

So Anthony "the Mooch" Scaramucci is desperately trying to remain relevant and keep his 15 minutes of fame going well past their natural expiration date and the best way to do that is to write a book about how amazing Donald Trump is. The hope is twofold: Trump will promote the book and that will in turn cause MAGA idiots to divert some of their red hat fund and "MAGA 2020" shirts money into buying his book.

The title: "Trump: The Blue Collar President"

Stop laughing. It gets better.

It is described as: "TRUMP, THE BLUE-COLLAR PRESIDENT is the comeback story for America and Americans. Both Wall Street and Main Street are now thriving and will continue to do so under our current president and his economic policies. Scaramucci shares his insights and stories from his long-term relationship with President Trump."

Shockingly, it is 304 pages long. I guess it is filled with lots of photos and drawings and the font must be 48 or larger. Maybe it is just one sentence per page.

Twitter had fun:

Nailed it:

Thanks, Mooch...hard pass.

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