Sen. Whitehouse Calls Out Republicans For Corrupting SCOTUS

It's not just Kavanaugh, it's the Federalist Society, the Judicial Crisis Network, and utter corruption by the Republicans on the court.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse holds up Kavanaugh's calendar and cries foul:

This may, may be powerful corroborating evidence that the assault happened, that it happened that day, and that it happened in that place, but with no FBI investigation, we can't tell. That's how you get out of Lindsey's batter's box, you investigate.

It's the least thing a sexual assault victim is entitled to when she comes forward.

The FBI could interview all the main simple denials but to cross check and see if the stories add up. The FBI could see if the house matches the locality and description Dr. Ford gave. The FBI could inquire after and pursue other corroborating or excuse for evidence. It's what they do.

Anybody who has done any serious investigation knows you don't stop just with witness statements of interested parties. You run down corroborating and impeaching evidence. You check and cross-check. You ask and go back again. You do the basic blocking and tackling of the investigation.

Partisan interviews by political staff predetermined to clear the nominee just aren't the same as real investigators doing real investigation and corroboration.

I don't think this has ever happened before in the history of background investigations. Closing out the background investigation without investigating new credible allegations. You can not tell me Ms. Ford's allegations weren't credible. They were credible enough to get her before the Senate, and yet, she was not given the most basic, decent thing that witness or victim could be given after they come forward, sincere or thorough investigation. Closing out the background investigation without investigating new, credible allegations, not any of three allegations all from women demonstrably in Kavanaugh's social circle.

Look at this ridiculous letter from the other alleged assailant [Mark Judge] in the room. And what's equally ridiculous, yesterday's fig leaf, I guess you'd call it where the same statement is repeated just this time with his signature on it. And ask yourself do you think investigator Kavanaugh would have tolerated letters like this from the third person in the room, had there been one with Mr. Clinton and Ms. Lewinsky? Never in a million years, and yet this is what we're supposed to satisfy ourselves with in this matter.

It is preposterous to anyone who's ever done serious investigation. Yet, this is what we are left with. We have done a botch of an investigation. Over time I expect the facts to come out. They have a way of doing that, cover-ups never stay covered. Sand is running through Kavanaugh's hourglass, and I pledge whatever I can do to make sure that the truth of his conduct is ultimately determined.

Setting aside this botch, we go back to a Supreme Court far too often dancing to the tune of a handful of big Republican special interests, big Republican special interests funding the Federalist Society that is now picking Supreme Court nominees. Big Republican special interests using the unlimited dark money power the Supreme Court gave them to mount TV ad campaigns for Supreme Court nominees. Big Republican special interests funding frequent flyer -- so-called "friends of the court" offering constant instruction and encouragement to the five Republicans on the Supreme Court and big Republican special interests on the winning side of those 70, 5-4 partisan victories, the fruits of their political labor. People are catching on. The record of this is undeniable, and as I said, it will be a disaster for the court. I yield my time.

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