Ted Cruz Says Beto O'Rourke Will Outlaw Barbecue
The Cuban guy born in Canada is making the case that Beto O'Rourke is not Texan enough.
The Cuban guy born in Canada is making the case to the rubes that Beto O'Rourke is not Texan enough. Enjoy your remaining time in the U.S. Senate, Ted.
Source: MyStatesman
Appearing at a packed campaign event at Schobels Restaurant in Columbus, 90 miles southeast of Austin, on Saturday, Cruz said, “When I got here someone told me that even PETA was protesting and giving out barbecued tofu, so I got to say, they summed up the entire election: If Texas elects a Democrat, they’re going to ban barbecue across the state of Texas.”
“You want to talk about an issue to mobilize the people, and I’m talking everybody,” Cruz said to appreciative laughter. “So I want to thank PETA and I do want to tell PETA you’re going to have to disclose to the FEC that by coming and protesting and giving away tofu, that you have given an in-kind contribution to my campaign by demonstrating just how bad things can get.”
Cruz’s words may have been in jest — the suggestion that O’Rourke, an El Paso Democrat, is an an enemy of barbecue is clearly a straw man made of tofu — but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have the serious purpose of further planting an image in voters’ minds of O’Rourke as a candidate outside the mainstream of Texas values, whether it’s on guns, border security, socialism or Lone Star food ways.