Tomi Lahren: Educating Kids About Hillary Clinton Makes Them Unemployable

Tomato Lackawanna is outraged Hillary Clinton is a historical figure!

Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren argued on Wednesday that children should not be taught that Hillary Clinton has a “strong character” because they will not be able to get jobs after graduating.

While appearing on Fox & Friends, host Ed Henry told Lahren that students at one school were being “indoctrinated” because they were taught about Clinton’s “strong character.”

“When we’re talking about Hillary Clinton’s strong character, the math really doesn’t add up,” Lahren opined. “But when we’re talking about universities and professors that are teaching children things like this, teaching college students things like this and we wonder why kids aren’t able to get jobs after they graduate, maybe this is why.”

She continued: “Teachers are spending more time with their liberal indoctrination than they are actually teaching things that are very important like math.”

Lahren concluded by saying that students and parents should rise up and protest to “end this.”

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