Adulterous Grifter Newt Gingrich Panders Again

He's back. This time fomenting war from the "attack caravan" hired by Democrats? Not making that up.

Everything Old and Depraved is New(t) and Depraved Again

Here is up-and-coming adulterous grifter and hate-monger, Newton Leroy Gingrich back in 1994:

In 1994, just a few days before the midterm elections, a deranged woman named Susan Smith drowned her two young sons. Gingrich, at the time, made infanticide a campaign issue and publicly equated Smith’s murders with the values of the Democratic Party. Gingrich told the AP, “The mother killing her two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick the society is getting and how much we have to have change. I think people want to change and the only way you get change is to vote Republican.”

And here are the mortal remains of Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney, in September 2004:

"Vice President Dick Cheney says the United States will risk another terrorist attack if voters make the wrong choice on Election Day, suggesting Sen. John Kerry would follow a pre-Sept. 11 policy of reacting defensively. 

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States," Cheney told supporters at a town-hall meeting Tuesday.

And here is the now-veteran adulterous grifter and hate-monger, Newton Leroy Gingrich. yesterday:

Fox's Newt Gingrich: "This election is a life and death struggle with a left-wing movement which wants to radicalize America"

He also suggests that Democrats are funding (yeah) the caravan of "illegals" to attack American sovereignty?

Yes. Yes, he does.

Any current or former Republican who tells you that all of this started with Trump or that they never had any idea how bad things would get  is either lying to you or an imbecile.  And either way, odds are excellent that what they are really trying to do is sell a book and snag a spot at the table on some cable talking heads show somewhere.

But the simple truth is that Trump did not destroy the Republican Party.  Trump only destroyed the crumbling veneer of respectability -- the fairy tale of a sober, Burke-loving, fiscally-prudent  Republican Party -- which the Beltway media has been bullshitting its customers into believing was the real Republican Party for 30 years.

Which means we are not a nation divided into two equally irrational "tribes" or "cults".  We are, instead, squared off between those who support the fascist Republican Party, those who oppose it, and the increasingly unhinged, hysterical Beltway Both Siderist whose careers would incinerate like flash-paper in a blast furnace if they ever dared to admit any of this.

Or, as I once wrote as a dirty, America-hating, terrorist-loving Libtard all the way back during the Age of Bush:

The men who the GOP has put in charge of our country are criminals.

Yes, the scope and scale at which they steal and kill is so vast as to be dizzying, but at the end of the day these are nothing but gangsters, pure and simple. And the simpletons and brownshirts who continue to stand with them are nothing more that their wheel-men, and must be called out as such at every opportunity.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:

In the Age of Duyba, you can either be a good American, or a good Republican, but you can no longer be both.

crossposted from Driftglass

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