Ari Melber Torches The GOP For Their Endless Hypocrisy

Melber uses numerous clips from GOP Senators to show how they live by one set of rules while expecting the Democrats to play by a different set.

Ari Melber had a blistering segment on his show where he used the Republican's own words against them regarding the double standard on confirming Supreme Court justices. It was a perfect demonstration of how little regard the GOP has for the rule of law, or ANY rules, for that matter. They expect the Democrats to follow a set of rules while they themselves completely ignore them and then whine about the mean old Democrats.

MELBER: A special report on the Kavanaugh fight. Let's begin with a quote. "the time for endless delay and obstruction has come to a close." Are those Obama's words? Republicans obstructed his nominee. No hearing. For 293 days for Merrick Garland, respected Judge in the D.C. Circuit, the same court Brett Kavanaugh serves on. The quote is not from Obama.

It's from Mitch McConnell. Who had 85 days into Kavanaugh's process, with two sets of hearings, says "too much obstruction."

McConnell trying to turn his team into the victim of obstruction. The last Supreme Court nominee from another party, Garland, waited more than triple the amount of time that it took for Mitch McConnell to get to this point. This hypocrisy is quite blatant.

More quotes from McConnell:

"One of my proudest moments is when I looked Barack Obama in the eye and I said, "Mr. President, you will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy."

Melber laid into him for the hypocrisy:

"There's that proud moment. And the time frame for obstruction Mitch McConnell says must end today. This isn't about Trump, it's not only about McConnell, who may argue as party leader he's got to do partisan stuff. If the rest of the Senate is serious about other Senators have to stand up to the partisan people in their ranks. If Lindsey Graham was historically accurate about one thing, it was yes, some Senators on the committee have tried to do that and put judicial independence above party politics. But that's changing. Consider how a Republican who once ran this committee, Orrin Hatch, who had said there was no question Garland should be confirmed to the Supreme Court, is now changing in this political moment."

Watch the rest of the clips, nailing Republicans for trying to play both sides. Well done.

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