Dem Senators Get One Hour To Review Kavanaugh Investigation Report

The public isn't allowed to know the contents.

We knew from the start it wasn't going to be a real investigation, and now that the FBI's work is finished, we find we were right.

How shocking, that the FBI didn't interview any of the people who could contradict Brett Kavanaugh's version of reality. Via the Washington Post:

As the Senate began reviewing the FBI’s completed report on Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh on Thursday morning, both Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley and the White House stood by President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, saying the investigation found nothing sufficient to corroborate allegations of sexual misconduct while he was a teenager.

“There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know,” Grassley (R-Iowa) said in a statement after being briefed on the report by his staff. “It’s time to vote.”

Democrats have protested that the FBI probe was rushed and too limited in scope, and lawyers for Kavanaugh’s accusers say the bureau declined to interview multiple witnesses who could have backed up their accounts.

They very carefully avoided talking to anyone who could testify Brett Kavanaugh was lying. They have ONE paper copy of the report for senators to examine -- in one hour. The fix is in.

But we're being told what a fair and thorough process it all was.

It's the constant gaslighting by Trump Republicans that's so mentally exhausting. People like Sarah Kendzior warned us, but it's difficult to understand until you actually experience it. It's hard to swim through the constant tsunami of Grade A bullsh*t that keeps washing over us.

But one day, it will be over. And we won't forget.

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