Fox Frat Boy Smears Taylor Swift For Thinking For Herself

Charlie Kirk's condescending misogyny is revolting.

One week after Fox regular Charlie Kirk gushed over Kanye West’s “admirable” and “amazingly profound cultural moment” of speaking out on behalf of Donald Trump, Kirk declared that Taylor Swift should “stay out of politics” and suggested she was some ignorant pawn who didn’t know enough to have written her Instagram post endorsing Democrats Phil Bredesen and Jim Cooper in the upcoming 2018 election.

This morning, Kirk attacked Swift for straying out of her music lane and delving into politics: “This is what I used to love about Taylor Swift, is she stayed away from politics. She was all about music all about, you know, female empowerment,” Kirk said.

That was insulting enough. But Kirk also echoed a conspiracy theory from the right-wing extremists at 4chan, where Swift had previously been given the nickname “Aryan goddess,” and accused her of having been duped into her endorsements:

KIRK: It’s rather evident and clear that - I don’t want to accuse her of this, but I don’t think she was the only one that wrote that post on Instagram. She probably got some very bad information. And look, it is part of this narrative where celebrities that want to do good in the world – I’ll give her the benefit of good intentions – are being told that people like Marsha Blackburn are horrible people. And nothing could be further from the truth.

Host Steve Doocy baselessly suggested that Swift didn’t know that Bredesen, Blackburn’s opponent, had supported the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US. Supreme Court.

“I don’t think she’s able to draw that distinction,” Kirk agreed.

As you can see below, Swift’s post was both very specific and very detailed in the reasoning behind her endorsements.

But it was pretty clear what Kirk really objected to was that someone whose music he loves has political views he doesn’t like: “Look Taylor Swift, I love your music," Kirk said. "Personally, Kanye West, I'm a bigger fan of his. I wish you would have not done this. Stay away from politics.” Kirk later lectured Swift that “the proper way to go about this” would have been for her to have urged people to vote with “some form of neutrality.”

Yet just one week ago, Kirk was all for musicians getting political – that is, when it was Kanye West taking to the stage of Saturday Night Live and claiming he had been “bullied” out of wearing a MAGA hat. Kirk visited Fox & Friends on September 30 and gushed about West’s “amazingly profound cultural moment … how much courage it takes … blazing this trail [and] saying it’s OK to think freely.” Of course, there was no question about whether West knew what he was talking about when, during that “amazingly profound cultural moment,” he advocated for repealing the 13th Amendment (which abolished slavery). Kirk called West’s stunt “so admirable” and said, “What makes America the greatest country in the history of the world is free thinking.”

Unless, of course, you’re a “free thinking” supporter of Democrats.

Originally published at

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